Interview with Ines Guerra, Executive Accommodation Manager, Carlton Hotels

Conor Shaw and Ines Guerra, discuss Maitre and how the first 6 months using the platform at her property has been. Ines has over 20 years of experience in the hotel industry and we’re delighted to get her insight on how Maitre is helping operational efficiencies at her hotel.

When did you start using Maitre?
We started using Maitre back in January 2024. We were looking for something to make our day-to-day tasks and room tracking a lot easier and faster, and Maitre seemed like the perfect fit.
What are some of the main headaches that Maitre solves?
It’s been a game changer for us! Before, it used to take us around an hour just to get everything up and running (room allocations and reservation notes, checklists, tasks etc.) Now, it’s ten minutes tops. Plus, I can keep an eye on everything from my tablet—it’s super handy for staying in touch with my team and the other departments.
How did your team find using Maitre - was it easy for them to understand and start using?
They absolutely love it and find it so simple. Honestly, I can't see us ever going back to the old pen and paper routine. It’s just so much simpler this way.
What are your favorite features about Maitre?
I love that I can see what’s happening everywhere, no matter where I am in the building. Pulling up information on the move helps a lot when I need to check on how everyone's doing or answer a guest or colleague query right there on the spot.
Roughly how many hours a week do you think Maitre saves you and your team?
It’s hard to put a number on it, but it’s a lot. We don't have to do as many callbacks because everyone has to take photos of their finished work. It makes them double-check their tasks, which saves time fixing things later. This coupled with the moving time and ease at which we start the day are some of the big time savers.
How was the onboarding process?
It was super easy. We were all set and going full swing in just a week. They made it really straightforward for everyone to get the hang of it.
What long-term benefits do you anticipate from using Maitre in your operations?
The longer the team and I use it the better we will be able to see patterns in the data it provides. It really will help us become more and more efficient. It will also help us motivate the team by showing them their progress and improvements over time.
Can you describe a particular instance where Maitre directly contributed to improving a business outcome?
Maitre helped the team and I deal with an inaccurate complaint with really specific data and backup imagery.
Would you recommend it to a friend?
Definitely, I’ve already told many people about it. It’s made such a big difference for us that I think everyone should give it a try.

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